Saturday, June 19, 2010

TUF 11 Cast Finale Predictions

Kyle Noke vs Josh Bryant

Kyle when I aw him fight i noticed he was very lazy, and when I would see Josh fight he always was stalking his opponent showing he was in control, and he has very good striking. Even though there is a big size advantage to Noke Josh likes to get in tight and throw bombs. Which he will do and he will win by decision though because he has a hard time finishing.

Chris Camozzi vs James Hamortree

In this season of the Ultimate Fighter Chris Camozzi was one of the best players on Tito Ortiz's Punishment team but he was robbed of glory with an injury to his jaw and was forced to leave. He proved that he was a fighter that goes 110% all 3 rounds and he proved that in his first fight. Hamortree didnt exactly get the fair desicion in his first fight and lost. But when sparring with Kris McCray he hurt his back while being slammed. But later that month he came up to Dana at the House and told him he wanted that fight which Dana gave him. He fought against the ever improving fighter in Court Mcgee which he lost by Guillotine Choke in the clinch. I was definatley impressed by Chris Camozzi and I'm predicting that he cant finish Hamortree but he can beat him and i'm prediciting Camozzi by unanimous decision.

Brad Tavares vs Seth Baczynski

This was one of the most dramatic fights and controversial fights in the show. This is in fact a rematch of a previous fight on the show. Almost th the end of the second round Seth accidentally soccer kicked Brad when he was on the ground which made him go out like a light his head slapping the canvas. After the fight Seth was very mad at himself and apologized to Brad.
Brad went on in the competion and Seth didnt. But in the fight Seth seemed bigger and stronger and more dominate but Brad doesnt quit. but I'm predictn a 3rd round KO by Seth.

Jamie Yager vs Rich attonio

In Jamie Yager's last fight he proved he was a quiter, had no ground skills, andoh did I mention a quiter. All he did was sit on the ground and not do anything about it he has no ground skills and they wont improve. Rich however i think would of definitely won the show if he wouldnt have been hurt he proved he had amazing striking skills and good takedown and grapple skills he ust got hit by a liitle unlucky. I don't think he should be fighting Yager because its no match he should be fightin people like Nate Marquardt, or chael sonnen. I hate Yager so much, and Attonio has some serious power and I'm predicting Rich Attonio by first round KO.

Court Mcgee vs Kris Mccray

Court improves amazingly every time he steps inside the octagon which is making him scarier and scarier every fight because he is an amazing striker and a great grappler 2 of his wins came by submission. Even though Kris Savage McCray may have better Jiu Jitsu he is still in danger of being submitted, and he's venin more danger of being Ko'd which is why I'm predicting Court the former drug and alcohol addict to win this fight by 2nd round KO or 3rd round doctor stoppage.

The World Cup

3 words to describe the USA vs. Slovenia are epic, exciting, and controversial. Like 2/3 of the USA's games they found themselves having to comeback from an early score(s). And as usual they flabbergasted us all and proved why they are the most dangerous teams to ever step on a futbol field. In just the beginning of the 2nd half Landon Donavan hit an 90 mph fastball right at the goalkeeper that was hit so hard the goalkeeper moved away. And later in the second half michael Bradley the coach's son rips one for dad and amazingly ties the game up. But in the 84 minute one of the newly substituted players for he US Eui knocked in the cross from landon donavan on the free kick and when everybody knew he scored there was one person in the entire stadium that didnt' apparently agree, the ref.He called a false offside call on the active player that was aftrer watching millions of replays was clearly onside. And before the ball came into action in the picture there are 3 fouls that would of been called by a referee. These spineless and soar losers slovenians held down almost every player in the goalie box so they would have a hard time. This terrible and outrageous call put the US out of what should of been first place and another goal if this group was to have a tiebreaker. Well we cant do anything about it, but everyone in the world who saw that game knows we were robbed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maaco Las Vegas Bowl

in Las Vegas it wwas weather which Vegas citizens would call "cold" which is like denver's summer. but it was also very windy. in fact the winds got up to 36 mph. This wind effected both teams. In fact both teams missed an extra point each cause of these extreme winds. Oregon State had a 6 yard punt, not shank, a punt. the punt was going straight at first but then completely blew it back and sideways out of bounds. And then later he had a way better kick of guess what? 8 yards ha. Both teams had a very hard time throwing too. BYU's defense played a big part in their succsess in this bowl. Their defensive line was a stronghold and Jackquizz Rogers had a hard time runnin it up the gut against this powerful D-line. Also BYU were making tackles the first time and barley lettin anything get past the line backers and they were making those hard classic takcles that when you tackle somebody like that that's no way of breaking it off. The BYU defense forced alot of turnovers too. But BYU had a hard time containg JAMES Rogers, Jacquizz's twin brother. James is a WR. and whenever they did a reverse play to him BYU had a hard time tackling him. And BYU Played the pass great and the oreson state QB had a hard time connecting with his receivers. Another big part of Oregon State's loss was their penalties. The Beavers had 2 Touchdown's called back and a huge defensive turnover called back. And if u think a bit.... Oregon coulda won this football game. the score @ halftime was 23-7 BYU. And the whole game BYU were making plays and getting those key plays when they needed to. and Byu was doing everything smartly and conservative. Pretty much the whole game BYU were crushing the souls,spirits and hopes of Oregon Stae players, coaches


In this past Monday, ESPN Monday Night Football Crew made a trip to a snowy Nation's Capitol and televised a National Disappointment. The Redskins who have been struggling to get wins and find their rhythm this year had their old General Manager resign, Vinny Cerrato. Then a couple days ago Dan snider finds a guy by the name of Bruce Allen for the open GM spot. Bruce Allen happens to be the son of the great George Allen; George, the one who created the team as we call the skins, but anyways the other interesting part on Bruce's resume was that he was a former Baltimore Colts punter. He used to also be the Tampa Bay Buccaneers GM, and before that a senior executive for the Oakland Raiders. And also on his packed resume was that he was the executive Vice President of Football Operations. Anyways, on his first day on the job he watched in his nice warm Sky Box the Redskins being stomped over, smashed, dominated, harassed, and embarrassed by the giants. the long game finished with a score of 45 to 12. It was no surprise to the Redskins fans and staff as they watched their team play it's usual game. The Redskins are trying to avoid this type of play and sell more tickets before they become like the Jacksonville Jaguars, which is basically bankrupt and has not had 1 sellout game this year. Well I say Snider and Allen can start by firing the whole offensive coaching staff and the head coach who has done nothing besides mark red L's (losses) on our schedule. Zorn is a man who came to Washington with no plan and he expected that things may magically workout. It's DC buddy, nothing magically works out the way anybody wants it. And Zorn still hasn't gotten use to that Washington lifestyle, where you have do hard work, and come in with a plan to every where you go. And Snider and Allen can solve this problem by trying to get Mike Shanahan as the head coach. Let's face it the Redskins Defense is great, the reason why they haven't been playing good is because the offense is going 3 and out every time they get on the field and the defense basically gets a good 1 and half minute break and they have to go back on to the field, which forces them to become TIRED. Therefore, making the defense slow and they cant get to the ball carrier fast if they're going that slow. So the whole team problem comes back to the offense. The offense has players are capable of being possibly good and successful. The thing is is that Jim Zorn is running his Seattle Seahawks West Coast offense with a team that plays the run more than the pass. The original Redskins offense was 70% run team and a 30% passing team, because the player at QB wasnt performing well. And Jim Zorn's Seahawks had a great and experienced QB in Matt Hasselback. Well let me tell you Zorn, Jason Cambell ain't no Matt Hasselback. Also, the West coast offense is 75% pass 25% run. So Zorn completely put our hall of fame Running Back out of the picture and tried to make our struggling QB a star. Well that didnt seem to work out. So Zorn completely changed the Redskins style of football that we all know and Love which was smashmouth football. The style where you the get the yards the hard way and running it right up the gut of the opposing team's Defensive Line, and we were doing that with Clinton Portis. And the way the old skins used to do it was conservative and not wild and stupid. Zorn was running an offense that does trick plays like having the WR throw the ball up for the QB who was taking the WR's job. He was not thinking in any situation on every play, the usyal coach thinks before he calls a play. If you saw this past monday's game, you say Jim Zorn call a play where we were in fieldgoal range and with the fieldgoal unit out on the ifeld he shifts half of the blocking to the deep wide left side of the field and the kicker than turns into the blocker and the punter turns into the QB. Well the kicker got run over and injured and the punter who threw the ball up to a lineman on the otherside threw it about 20 yards, not even close the lineman and he was hit after he threw it and he was injured because the Giants had 5 Lineman on the otherside of the kicker and they killed the only Redskins blocker. And in a situation where you can smart and hit the field goal and get some points before halftime Zorn does something miraculous and stupid. Zorn goes for it on 4th down and 10 in games that are close and loses the game for us. My example of this is only 5 words that will make you groan and think what is wrong with this guy and those 5 words are, he lost to the Lions. Yes I just said that. He lost to the Lions. This is how Mike Shanahan can help, he plays balanced footbal. Which in the NFL is 55% pass 45% run. He also helps QB's become better. For example Jay Cutler. Cutler was great with the broncos and now that Mike and Cutler are separated Cutler has become a laughingstock to all NFL fans. Anyways I'm saying fire Zorn and all the people that are involved in the Redskins offense and fire them. THe redskins have a lot of money, so Snider use it on the team and not for your entertainment. Hire Shanahan if you get the chance, and get new offensive staff, and lets make a heck of a good football team.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

English League Premiere Soccer Scores

Burnley 0 Wolverhampton Wanders 2
Birmingham 1 Everton 1
Chelsea 1 West Ham United 1

R and L Carriers Bowl

A good bowl in New Orleans @ the SuperDome between Southern Mississippi University and MTSU. This game started out close, but Southern Miss was getting a lot of penalties called on them, and some of those penalties were leading to Touchdowns' for MTSU. Anyways after the 1st Quarter Southern Miss was up 14 to 0. And then MTSU striked back and they put up 2 touchdowns in the second quarter making it 14 17 Southern Miss after their field goal to end the half. It looked like it was gonna be a classic going into OT, but MTSU changed ppl's toughts. MTSU came out of halftime explosive and movin the ball down the field fast and they racked up 2 touchdowns while Southern Miss only hit a field goal in that quarter making the score now 28-20 after the 3rd. In the 4th, Southern Miss racked up 2 touchdowns but failed to convert the 2pt conversions following and only scored 12 pts in the 4th. MTSU racked up 2 Touchdowns again and won the game 42-32.


a close game between 2 teams that are looking for that NFC wild card spot. The Panthers came out with a great passing attack with most of their TD's coming from the air and they win 26-7.