Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maaco Las Vegas Bowl

in Las Vegas it wwas weather which Vegas citizens would call "cold" which is like denver's summer. but it was also very windy. in fact the winds got up to 36 mph. This wind effected both teams. In fact both teams missed an extra point each cause of these extreme winds. Oregon State had a 6 yard punt, not shank, a punt. the punt was going straight at first but then completely blew it back and sideways out of bounds. And then later he had a way better kick of guess what? 8 yards ha. Both teams had a very hard time throwing too. BYU's defense played a big part in their succsess in this bowl. Their defensive line was a stronghold and Jackquizz Rogers had a hard time runnin it up the gut against this powerful D-line. Also BYU were making tackles the first time and barley lettin anything get past the line backers and they were making those hard classic takcles that when you tackle somebody like that that the.re's no way of breaking it off. The BYU defense forced alot of turnovers too. But BYU had a hard time containg JAMES Rogers, Jacquizz's twin brother. James is a WR. and whenever they did a reverse play to him BYU had a hard time tackling him. And BYU Played the pass great and the oreson state QB had a hard time connecting with his receivers. Another big part of Oregon State's loss was their penalties. The Beavers had 2 Touchdown's called back and a huge defensive turnover called back. And if u think a bit.... Oregon coulda won this football game. the score @ halftime was 23-7 BYU. And the whole game BYU were making plays and getting those key plays when they needed to. and Byu was doing everything smartly and conservative. Pretty much the whole game BYU were crushing the souls,spirits and hopes of Oregon Stae players, coaches

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