Saturday, June 19, 2010

The World Cup

3 words to describe the USA vs. Slovenia are epic, exciting, and controversial. Like 2/3 of the USA's games they found themselves having to comeback from an early score(s). And as usual they flabbergasted us all and proved why they are the most dangerous teams to ever step on a futbol field. In just the beginning of the 2nd half Landon Donavan hit an 90 mph fastball right at the goalkeeper that was hit so hard the goalkeeper moved away. And later in the second half michael Bradley the coach's son rips one for dad and amazingly ties the game up. But in the 84 minute one of the newly substituted players for he US Eui knocked in the cross from landon donavan on the free kick and when everybody knew he scored there was one person in the entire stadium that didnt' apparently agree, the ref.He called a false offside call on the active player that was aftrer watching millions of replays was clearly onside. And before the ball came into action in the picture there are 3 fouls that would of been called by a referee. These spineless and soar losers slovenians held down almost every player in the goalie box so they would have a hard time. This terrible and outrageous call put the US out of what should of been first place and another goal if this group was to have a tiebreaker. Well we cant do anything about it, but everyone in the world who saw that game knows we were robbed.

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